<aside> 📌 Wanna sync Bookmarks to Notion? 🚀

Follow the simple steps below. 🚶‍♂️ In 2 minutes. ⏱️


1️⃣ Setup

1. Install Chrome Extension

Bookmarks to Notion

2. Connect your bookmarks folders with the Notion database template provided by us. Here’s How 👇

🔗 Pin the extension and click the extension icon .


➕ Click ‘+ Add Connection’ button.

Click ‘+ Add Connection’

Click ‘+ Add Connection’

🎯 Follow the flow, Select the workspace that you want to connect with, and Choose “Use a template provided by the developer”

Click ‘Next’

Click ‘Next’

Select the right workspace & Choose to use the template & Click ‘Allow access’

Select the right workspace & Choose to use the template & Click ‘Allow access’

3. Done ✅ Congrats! 👍


🤩 After adding your first connection successfully, the extension would start syncing automatically.

The first connection would connection all your bookmarks to the Notion database.

Adding the connection is all you need to do.

😍 After that, you can add/remove/modify your local bookmarks as usual, and all that changes would be synced to your Notion databases by our extension in the background.